What Makes a Good Laundry Service
February 4, 2021
Qualities to Look for in a Laundry Service in 2021
Since things are starting to pick back up, people are becoming busier again. This means, pretty soon, you’ll start looking for the services that you have been doing yourself until now. Cleaning, cooking, and house repairs are just some examples. When it comes to outsourcing your laundry needs, here are a few pointers to help you pick the best laundry service in your area.
And if you happen to be located within the service area of one of our stores, don’t hesitate to call us for more information.
One of the most important considerations today is safety. Inquire about the safety features that your local laundry service is offering. Do they regularly disinfect? Do they follow health safety measures in their stores? Ask whether they have a laundry pickup and delivery service. Starcrest Cleaners takes it a step further and ensures that there is little to no person-to-person contact when we make our pick-ups and deliveries.
Another consideration emerging not just in the laundry industry, but in many others as well, is sustainability. You may want to inquire about your local service’s practices and materials used. Some detergents can be harmful to the environment. Many laundry services also still use non-biodegradable plastics that can end up in landfills or even worse places. Make sure you and the companies you’re doing business with are doing their part.
The Environmental Protection Agency offers a search tool for products that meet their Safer Choice Standard.
Of course, it’s important that the laundry service you choose knows how to deal with all kinds of stains and fabrics. Everyone claims to be the best at their craft, but many also fail at even the simplest of tests when it comes to expertise. You can find out whether a laundry service is good at what they do by talking to patrons or by trying them out yourself. If they’re not, don’t hesitate to look for a new one.
Credibility can be an underrated quality. The laundry service may be excellent at delivering crisp and clean clothes, but if every time they wash your clothes you lose a sock, you’ll run out pretty soon. But credibility is also more than just getting all your clothes back in one piece. You should also be on the lookout for extra and hidden charges.
Speaking of charges, it’s important that you also consider value. The laundry service may be the best in the state but if they charge you like another mortgage, then it may not really be worth it. Weigh the service that you get against whether the prices are unreasonable. If they’re not, take your clothes somewhere else.
Many laundry services offer nice-to-haves like text notifications, additional safety measures, and little things that make the experience all the richer. Look for a laundry service that treats you and your clothes with respect. There are a lot of stores out there that promise the world but hardly deliver. Stay sharp.
Take Away
If you’re looking for a laundry service to meet all your needs and then some, use this list to make sure that you’re dealing with a good company. Apart from being good at delivering clean crisp clothes, they should also be focused on safety and sustainability.
If you live in a service area of one of our stores, you’re in luck. Visit our home page to learn more.