How to Properly Clean Your Face Masks and Face Shields
November 19, 2020
How to Properly Clean Your Face Masks and Face Shields
The pandemic has forced people to practice stricter personal hygiene to prevent the coronavirus spread, including wearing face masks or any face cover. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people must wear face masks when they’re out in public to protect themselves and other people from droplets that may contain harmful germs and viruses.
Disposable surgical masks are a popular option, but they pose a waste problem. In addition to the volume of masks people discard now, many disposable types are not biodegradable. Without better disposal methods, surgical masks can worsen the country’s environmental crisis.
The CDC recommends using washable cloth face masks when heading outside. These are enough to slow the spread of the virus without causing a waste problem. These reusable face masks and face coverings have to be adequately washed to eliminate any lingering viruses. Starcrest Cleaners, a trusted dry cleaning and laundry service in Indianapolis, shares how to properly clean and disinfect washable face masks and face shields.
Face Masks
First, remove your face mask correctly by touching only the ear loops. Be careful not to touch your eyes, mouth, or nose when taking off your mask. If you’re not immediately laundering the mask after using it, store it in a sealed plastic bag or a mesh fabric bag. Wash your hands after.
The CDC confirms that it’s safe to wash your face masks along with your regular laundry. But you want the water as hot as the fabrics can tolerate. Temperatures over 167 degrees farenheit or 75 degrees Celsius kill most viruses, including the coronavirus.
If you’re using a washing machine, use the appropriate settings according to the care label. If you’re laundering your face masks by hand, wash them as you usually would your clothes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. You can dry your mask in the dryer or by hanging it on a clothesline.
If you’re sending out your masks and laundry to a wash-and-fold service, put the masks in a small garment bag. The laundromat can throw the bag in the wash without taking the masks out, eliminating contact with potentially contaminated items. Make sure to inform them that you're including your masks with your load.
Face Shields
Clean your face shields after every use. These are typically made of plastic, so they can’t be washed in the machine.
First, wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the face shield. Submerge the protective panel in warm, soapy water to get rid of any germs and viruses. Gently scrub the surface using a washcloth or soft sponge.
Rinse the shields, then pat dry with a soft towel. Wash the headpiece in the same way, separately.
You can also clean your face shields with a disinfectant wipe. Be sure to use an EPA-registered, non-bleach disinfectant. Don’t use household cleaners on your face shields because these can corrode the material.
You can have your face masks and shields washed by a professional laundry service to ensure sanitation. Inquire about their protocols in washing such items, so you know how to prep them before sending them out.
Laundry Pick-Up and Delivery Service in Indianapolis
Starcrest Cleaners caters to all your washing and dry-cleaning needs. We understand how important it is to sanitize your garments and face coverings amid a public health crisis. As such, we offer pick-up and delivery with our laundry services for your utmost convenience.
We have branches in multiple locations, open seven days a week. Call us at (877) 722 2209 to find a branch near you.