Exercising Environmental Awareness When Using Laundry Services
June 22, 2020
Climate change is no longer a question of is it happening, or is it not. We’re already in the thick of it, and we are now witnessing its effects. From stronger and fiercer hurricanes to uncontrollable forest fires, calamities that we once considered “normal” have become uncommonly intense. More people now acknowledge the reality of global warming and its effects because of these events.
If you’ve committed to doing your part in saving the environment then you likely choose options that are sustainable and eco-friendly, from the items you buy to the services you subscribe to. It’s easy with the former because you are in control: you can personally choose environmentally-aware brands that put their beliefs into practice. The latter is more challenging because you’re not the decision-maker from beginning to end. Your service provider is the one that makes the calls.
Is Your Laundry Service Eco-Friendly?
Just because you’re not doing the actual work doesn’t mean that you can throw environmental awareness out the window. The valet laundry service that you can get here at Lincoln is an example. You can find out if the laundry shop observes eco-friendly business practices by asking the following:
- What detergent do they use?
Most shops use commercial detergent and fabric softeners. Don’t be discouraged when they give you a mainstream brand: many of them are actually eco-friendly.
Detergent manufacturers (conscious that an increasing number of consumers are leaning towards green brands) have changed their ingredients in recent years. They replaced surfactants and harmful chemicals with plant-based substances and chemical compounds listed in the EPA’s Safer Chemicals Ingredients. Brands that use only the safest of ingredients receive the Safer Choice label: a seal that guarantees consumers that a product is eco-friendly and adheres to quality and performance standards.
So ask your laundry shop what detergents they use and check if the brands bear the Safer Choice label.
- What type of machines do they have for dry cleaning?
Look for laundry shops that use self-contained dry cleaning machines as they are eco-friendly, unlike the vented washer-dryer combos. Shops that invest in modern machines should get this requirement right.
A self-contained dryer has a closed-loop system. With the old vented models, the steam ciculating in the dryer chamber is released in the atmosphere, taking with it tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene) or PCE fumes. PCE is the solvent that removes stains and dirt on fabrics; it is also toxic in high concentrations and can cause eye and nose irritation. A self-contained dry cleaning machine collects, condenses, and distills the PCE for reuse or proper disposal.
Laundry shops cannot help but consume large volumes of water and electricity, but they can reduce their carbon footprint by investing in eco-friendly machines like self-contained dryers.
- Do they use plastic bags to pack fresh laundry?
Many laundry shops use large, clear, plastic bags for packing laundered clothes. It is cost-effective business-wise but doesn’t contribute to the green movement.
Find a laundry service that provides garment bags, eco-bags, or biodegradable bags instead of clear plastic. This is often a value-added service, but some valet laundry businesses give this for free. You can also tell that the laundry shop observes “green” best practices if it encourages customers to provide their own laundry bags.
To be a true green warrior, your lifestyle must reflect your commitment. That includes carefully choosing service providers that also respect and protect the environment.
Starcrest Cleaners is your ally. We observe green best practices wherever we can, from our choice of detergent to water and power conservation efforts. We believe that environmental awareness is just as much our responsibility as providing quality laundry services to all our customers.
Enjoy reliable laundry services without feeling guilty about your carbon footprint. Get in touch with Starcrest Cleaners today.